Examples of Poor Traffic Control Practices

Lack of advance warning of situation ahead. Lack of proper taper.

Driver is forced to cross the center line. Cones are moved out to protect the outrigger. No advance warning for the approaching traffic either. Cones should have temporarily moved the centerline over. Lane shift in both directions.

Why isn’t the lane closed on this side of the intersection? Is the lane closed? Gaps confuse drivers. Workers think they will only be there for a minute or two. But how long does it take to get killed? Never let traffic drive under a bucket

Why should we put a cone taper directing traffic into the back of a work vehicle? Lack of training, planning or review. This is not staged. Need to plan your operation as well as review it. At least they found a shady spot for the equipment.

Movements of construction vehicles is a primary cause of work zone accidents.

Watch all Construction Equipment and use common sense.

Extreme liability exposure due to ADA and pedestrian traffic. Either provide a safe route for pedestrians or do a secure closure with appropriate signs.

Replace damaged signs.

Too many signs. Improper placement of signs. Double-headed arrow directs traffic into closure. What is closed?

If and when a collision occurs, after notifying emergency services, document all traffic controls. Police investigation does not document the traffic controls.

Misleading Message. Poor placement of flagger ahead sign.

Poor Housekeeping.

Visibility Obstruction. Improper storage of materials and equipment restricted visibility for left turns due to construction operation. Write contract provisions to require that contractor provide a construction yard for materials and equipment. Restrict turning maneuvers if you are going to block visibility.